So, there’s this meme. I had a very visceral reaction to it – it’s the one with the drill Sargent from “Full Metal Jacket” telling us in no uncertain terms that we’re losing our “beloved America” to “goat humpers.” Honestly, that’s just offensive. Because of our country’s history of racism and propensity to name-call, I know who and what this is talking about.
Honestly, I find that I'm losing MY America to intolerance and hate. #ScarSpangledBanner #TrueAmericanHate (BTW, the most recent Testament/Exodus tour was freaking amazing...just saying) It's not some Muslim insurrection I fear because of the Muslims I know, most of them have better values and place more value on life and peace than their Christian counterparts in my life. If it's about “growing a pair and acting like Americans,” it's time to establish what that means and I, for one, don't recall this country being founded on the "values" of hate, bigotry and ignorance. Isolationism and freedom, yes. Being an asshole, no. Well, maybe...there's plenty of historical precedent, I suppose...
For me, it's not anyone from any other country, race, religion or so-called-creed that's undermining and destroying the fabric of our country, it's those that perpetuate that to be American, you need to be an asshole who instead of taking time to understand the cultural differences, choose instead to call names. My America is being destroyed by my government's insistence on sending my friends and family overseas to kill a fabricated and media-amplified enemy when the real problem is who holds the petroleum resources and something that could, really, be negotiated without threat of violence. We're just not wired that way, apparently, because it's the more difficult way to do something. It's harder to accept someone for their differences than to dismiss them as different and "other." I've said it for years -- we need to stop listening to so-called "war experts" and invest serious time and energy recruiting "peace experts." I, for one, don't want this world blown all to hell for my kids because people have forgotten how or think they’re too good to use their words...
It says, “Wake up and smell the bacon.” I do like waking up to the smell of bacon, although with my thyroid medicine I can't eat it until a bit of time AFTER my coffee. This is medicine prescribed through American health care, taken with Swedish coffee, in front of my American built (except for the Singaporean semiconductors, Taiwanese case, Thai hard drives...), sitting on top of a Japanese stereo receiver (studio setup...long story...). There's a point to this -- everything is from everywhere. We, as a planet, are together on our ride in this compressed and screwed up span of time, and we can choose to live our lives finding reasons to hate and kill each other, or we can choose to find our commonalities and work towards making this world a better place…and there are VERY few exceptions where discriminating against or killing someone makes a positive difference.
It's not the Muslim you need to worry about, it's the Extremist -- and that goes to ANY religion or belief. You also have to see through the media representations and perpetuated stereotypes. You have to care enough to take the time to learn why a certain people or person does something in order to understand that it's probably not a threat to the threads of your reality and, more likely than not, is just as odd to you as whatever you're doing is to them...
So, to wrap this up in a tidy bow, if you feel being an asshole is the most important American value, then you are the problem, not the person who is trying to make a better life for his or her family by coming to what used to be called “the land of opportunity,” but, now, seems more to be “the land of intolerant bigotry.” Makes you proud to be an American, doesn’t it?